- Lamb as No1 ingredient & High protein
- With prebiotics proven to help promote a better gut microflora balance
- Easily digestible recipe for good stool quality
- Helps supports healthy joints
- Science based nutrition with no added colourants
- Helps support strong teeth
Care for your dog’s sensitive digestion with PRO PLAN Sensitive Digestion nutrition to help him thrive.
Purina PRO PLAN Sensitive Digestion dry dog food is made with high quality lamb pieces as the first ingredient and other highly digestible ingredients to help support the digestive process. This dry dog food also contains prebiotics, which have been scientifically proven to increase bifidobacteria for a better gut microflora balance, and bentonite (a natural clay) which helps support good stool quality. The high protein content helps maintain strong muscles and an ideal body condition.
Purina PRO PLAN Sensitive Digestion MEDIUM ADULT has been developed for adult dogs of medium-sized breeds (10-25kg). This dry dog food contains nutrients to help support healthy joints. It is rich in high quality lamb and offers optimal nutrition to help power your medium-sized dog’s adventures from 12-15 months of age until 7 years of age, when you should transition to the Age Defence recipe.
Discover the benefits SENSITIVE DIGESTION products can make to your dog’s health and wellbeing.
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